A career in Elements Kirov is easy!

Looking for new opportunities? Do you want to live an interesting and vibrant life? Then you definitely need ELEMENTS KIROV!
We will help your CAREER GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT at whatever professional stage you are at
We select and honor the best employees based on the results of the month and year for outstanding results within the framework of the "Best Employee" program
We encourage you for the successful recommendations of our hotel as a future place of work within the framework of open vacancies in accordance with the "BRING A FRIEND" program
We offer you to enjoy the hospitality from the Elements Hospitality network with significant discounts on accommodation and restaurant services as part of the corporate travel program for employees, their family members and friends
We provide corporate meals and uniforms;
We want work in our team to bring you only positive emotions, so we remember and celebrate the birthdays of employees with pleasure, encourage them with diplomas and valuable gifts at the annual “Gratitude Week”, help and support interns at every stage of adaptation.
We are waiting for you at ELEMENTS KIROV!